Campap CIP -- From Chee Wah Corporation Berhad

CIP "Continuously Improvement Programme"
A self-managing team, which comprises of a small group of shop floor people either from the same or different work areas, is recognized for its excellence in managing process activities.


Sentiasa mempertingkatkan pengendalian sistem pengurusan kualiti demi mencapai kepuasan pelanggan.


Memenuhi keperluan pelanggan dan pemegang saham . Sentiasa mempertingkatkan keberkesanan sistem pengurusan kualiti . Memcapai kepuasan pelanggan . Memperkembangkan kesedaran jenama syarikat.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Chee Wah is FSC Certified (SGS-COC-007842)

志华机构有限公司秉持著永續發展的理念,維護生態環境、保護地球森林資源,建立一套自供應商到消費者完全符合「FSC/CoC產銷監管鏈認證標準」之 管理體系(證書編號:SGS-COC-007842),並遵守國家及國際間有關森林保護的法規及規定。
(10) 植林。


Chee Wah Corporation Berhad upholds the concept of sustainable development. We support the conservation of ecological environment and protect the forest resources on earth. We have developed a management system administering all aspects from suppliers to consumers, which fulfills the requirements of FSC/CoC Chain of Custody Certification (Certificate No. SGS-COC-007842) and complies with national and international laws and regulations relating to the protection of forest.

We produce products certified by FSC. Our production process from the procurement of materials to the output of finished products, meets FSC’s relevant requirements, including FSC’s Ten Principles as follows:
(1) Compliance with all applicable laws and international treaties.
(2) Clear definition of long-term tenure, right full and responsible use of the land.
(3) Respect and recognition of the indigenous peoples' rights.
(4) Maintenance of the land and enhancement of the well-being of local communities and workers’ rights.
(5) Equitable use and sharing of benefits derived from the forest.
(6) Reduction of environmental impact of forestry activities.
(7) Appropriate and continuously updated management plan.
(8) Appropriate monitoring and assessment activities.
(9) Maintenance of high conservation value forests.
(10) Plantations

The paper materials used in producing our products certified by FSC, have been accredited or contained by FSC. We will not purchase and employ paper materials not certified or controlled by FSC. In line with the market trend, we will gradually increase the production quantity of FSC certified products and intensively employ FSC accredited materials in our production. We will also comply with FSC’s requirement restraining the employment of materials made from timber obtained from the following five sources:
(1) Illegal logging.
(2) Places in violation of practices and public power.
(3) Forests having high storage value but under threat.
(4) Forests with genetically improved planting.
(5) Areas which are changed from natural forests to reforestation or non-forest uses.

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