Campap CIP -- From Chee Wah Corporation Berhad

CIP "Continuously Improvement Programme"
A self-managing team, which comprises of a small group of shop floor people either from the same or different work areas, is recognized for its excellence in managing process activities.


Sentiasa mempertingkatkan pengendalian sistem pengurusan kualiti demi mencapai kepuasan pelanggan.


Memenuhi keperluan pelanggan dan pemegang saham . Sentiasa mempertingkatkan keberkesanan sistem pengurusan kualiti . Memcapai kepuasan pelanggan . Memperkembangkan kesedaran jenama syarikat.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Back To School Promotion

Dear all staff,

Good news! Hurry up! CAMPAP Back To School Promotion is back!

For all Campap products during Back To School Promotion, all staff will entitle which ever lower price between Promotion Price and Staff Price.

Example : Campap Item A
Normal Selling Price : RM10.00
Promotion Price : RM7.80
Staff Price : RM7.00

Thank you.

Customer Service Centre
H/P No.: +6012-492 3599

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's travels, a classic story by Jonathan Swift. It is about a doctor’s voyage to see the world. A man faced with many difficult, unusual, different, strange, & remarkable adventures. A book that will make you better understand cultures & traditions - small people with big heart, sacrifices, honour and happiness!
A must read! Check it out Future Ace classic story. Available at all major bookstore & all CAMPAP Superstore outlets.

In theater on 22.12.2010